Holi Kids
Colour me cute: kids at a playschool celebrate holi |
Beautiful pose, such a careful portriat that the sparkle is missing |
Now here's a slice of life, straight from the streets |
There's never a rainbow unless there's rain. And sunshine. Life's like that. rain and sunshine. Highs and lows. Bitter-sweet and sweet-sour. Varied experiences that all add up to a celebration of being alive. A look at life ... existence... art... music... fragmented rainbows !!! DO LEAVE A COMMENT WHEN YOU VISIT
Colour me cute: kids at a playschool celebrate holi |
Beautiful pose, such a careful portriat that the sparkle is missing |
Now here's a slice of life, straight from the streets |
Go in circles
He will sing you lullabies
Little children
Rest your heads
No more monsters
No more devils
You are not who the wicked call you
Peace and strong and joy
Pure and peace and strong and joy
All you little children