Chain e-mails
There are many annoying things that float around cyberspace, but the one that really takes the cae and eats it too is the half crazed, superstitious, pseudoreligious punk who sits around stabbing the 'forward' button and sending those 'I love Jesus - 'n' you better love 'im as well and send the stuff to about 12 more friends for a blessing' kind of chain e-mails.
Well, the message I'd like to give to the poor sap who sends me such crap is that he's not getting any blessing from my end, but I usuually let out a bloodcurdling scream and curse the bugger from the bottom of my shallow heart.
I mean I've really HAD IT with those endless repeats of old-hat causes that end up in my mailbox again and again ad nauseum. I've had skewewred Jews, slaughtered dolphins, coca-colaas toilet cleaner and all that other junkfloat in into my trash every thrww or four days. But waht really gets my goat are all these Christian fundamentalists parading their so-called faith and shoving it down my mailbox !!!
Well, the message I'd like to give to the poor sap who sends me such crap is that he's not getting any blessing from my end, but I usuually let out a bloodcurdling scream and curse the bugger from the bottom of my shallow heart.
I mean I've really HAD IT with those endless repeats of old-hat causes that end up in my mailbox again and again ad nauseum. I've had skewewred Jews, slaughtered dolphins, coca-colaas toilet cleaner and all that other junkfloat in into my trash every thrww or four days. But waht really gets my goat are all these Christian fundamentalists parading their so-called faith and shoving it down my mailbox !!!