Thoughts On Watching Lok Sabha TV ...
My concern is genuine, not fake.
This may make some of my good friends mad,
But honestly,
Mr. Gandhi’s rant in Parliament was really, really sad.
The maiden speech of the Leader of the Opposition
Was full of hot air, not well-thought proposition.
It lacked polish. He lacked poise.
Insults and innuendo, and sentimental noise!
Waving holy pictures, and defying convention,
Was the Honour of the August House really his intention?
He shamed the Leader of the House, he hit below the belt
Like a bull let loose in a china shop, that is what I felt.
The Floor of the House - a game of chess. With finesse it was played.
If you ‘winged it’ and you fumbled, then you just might be ‘slayed’.
But no! This Gandhi wasn’t playing chess, the show was streaming
Parliament is Mixed Martial Arts, it’s a bloody, messy,
And so, he leaps into the ring, throwing punches left and
And Modi and his gang are there, itching for a fight.
He body slams the BJP and politics of hate
Ridicules PM Modi for his ‘non-biological’ state.
And now he speaks the ‘Hindu’ word with Shiva by his side
Modi’s Gang retaliates,
to shield his wounded pride.
Mixed Martial Arts is no chess game, you don’t play by those
Now the RaGa boy has started it, and the Modi Gang aren’t
They snatch the word hot from his mouth, and twist it to a rope,
Made a ‘Hindu hater’ noose of it, there certainly was scope!
The one-eyed referee of this show, does what was expected
It’s scripted by the Treasury, and fair play is ejected.
And so, it goes on, blow for blow, this mindless, shallow bout.
Our ‘Knight in Shining Armour’ becomes a bloomin’ lout.
How I wish that it were different, that I wouldn’t feel
But the stable door’s smashed open wide.
That bloody horse has bolted.
[This is the first instalment of Verse or Worse by Effkay!]