Earth Day, 2010
Offshore oil drills making oil spills mucking up the ocean blue
Poisoning the living waters, oily, thick and smelly goo
While I buy that brand new sedan, one for wife and junior too.
Who cares if a million fishes, squids and crabs and pelicans die?
All the while their rotting corpses, call for vengeance to the Sky.
Here we smash through virgin forests, excavating coal below
Making birds and squirrels homeless, filthy-ing the H two O
Air and water, jungle dwellers, are worth less than iron ore
And so the mercury keeps rising, there’s no shade to stem the sun
So we’ll deny there’s global warming, and silence dissent with the gun!
But lo! Look at our ashen faces, the grounded aircraft, ruined plan
When volcano spits out fire, pride is punctured, puny man.
As we chase Almighty dollar, hanker after vanity
Ma Earth gets hot under collar, you’re gonna lose your sanity
When human greed strips human need, it’s the beginning of the endNo more to say, on this earth day, June 5, two thousand ten.
- Verse [or worse] by Frank Krishner
and sing it out loud
if guys pretend to be deaf
warn them of the shroud