AND rats. And snails. And frogs. And bats.And rabbits. And pigeons. And fish.
Hey, that's the beauty of this vast sub-continent. Real Indian food isn't vegetarian and cooked in exotic spices. no sir. That's the over-promoted, over-hyped elitist, upper caste, upper class fare. Real India - the land that belongs to the people who build those palaces and ensure that the wheels of the Indian Yatra keep turning, has an entirely different menu.
Here's a small slice of what I have experienced personally.
Roasted dog meat on spits in Nagaland. Spiced dog curry and roast in Shillong, where I studied [briefly] for the priesthood. Chutney made from caterpillars in the Jaintia hills. Delicious rice cooked in pigs' blood [jaddoh] in the Khasi hills.
Field rat roast that tastes so much like tandoori chicken in Sasaram, Barbigha, and Maner in Bihar.
Bat stew in Palamu, Jharkhand. Wild snails either boiled or roasted, in several places. Frog legs in Calcutta and Kerala. Snake fry in Dumka, which I mistook for fish. And grasshopper fried in garlic in a picnic in the Khasi hills.
The underlying reason for the unrest and the socialtensions and violence we witness in India is the fact that only one 'culture' is promoted and every other way of life, especially the real traditions of the tribals and the labouring people are being supressed.
Why should we feel ashamed of our true traditions?
India is too big to be squashed into 'one culture'
when in India, try the real cuisine, it tastes better than the 5-star stuff.


Anonymous said…
Majority of indians are vegetarians.In Non-Veg majority of them only eat chicken,Lamb & fish.Its hard to find the people who eats pork,Beef...e.t.c.In india hindus avoid eating beef as they worship cow .
Anonymous said…
yea people who made this page are disgusting and mean
Boy Shakira said…
THE problem aith annonymous posters is that you can write any crap and get away with it.
You can get pork and beef freely available in most Indian towns. BTW Pork has become the favoured mneat of many less affluent Hindus because mutton now costs Rs 250 a kilo, wheras pork is available for Rs 100 or so!
This aricle is about the indeginous foods of India... and it's a damn good one.